Thursday 15 January 2015

The Positive Within a World Of Hurt

I came bearing a message. I've been respectful. My words hit hard, but it's not the message that's wrong, or how I say it, but the details they allude to. If you don't like the message, then do something about the problem, and I am not the problem. I am just a small part of this very large picture that we're trying to paint.

I wrote the following in response to someone having posted a link to the Toronto Sun and Edmonton Examiner on January 14th, 2015, a link containing my face (twice) and a couple of my twitter posts in regards to #farm365 (as well as other's). 

". . . I was thinking about this earlier, and after that guy stole my face and pretended to be a crass, disrespectful version of me, I thought about changing my photo and hiding my face for a moment, only to realize I would be letting their unjust actions determine my actions and it would be exactly the cowardly response they want. I truly hope people see my face and recognize me as a face fighting for hope, compassion, caring, kindness, love and unyielding devotion. Hopefully they will want to know more. And it reminds me to be respectful, be factual, and keep my message clean and enticing. I want my message to make people question things instead of see an enraged "extremist" or "radical". I'm embracing this. I'm proud. :-)" 

What I wrote as a reply to a friend's comment made me think of writing this blog post. 

I will continue to sacrifice my face and my privacy for this, gladly. When I think of the gravity of who we fight for and what we fight against . . . The fear of unlawful, unkind and unjust backlash truly seems like nothing. I realize those negative aspects exist merely because people are threatened, offended  ignorant or fear change. Opinions can cause all of those reactions, as can facts, but both opinions and facts presented respectfully shouldn't bring about such malicious and unjust backlash. I have had many great conversations, some bad, and I've blocked the worst--no one needs that counter-productivity in their life. 

The response on social media has been very negative at times: Cruel, disrespectful, unkind, even illegal and disturbing, etc., but it matters not. It really is underwhelming. My direction and actions will not change for them. CONVICTION, I hold fast to. What overshadows it all, is the overwhelming positive response I never expected to experience to such an overwhelming degree! People all over the world, thousands, banding together to spread the "radical/extremist" (such ironic and unbefitting adjectives) message of compassion, caring and understanding! 

I'm not neglecting the fact that there are bad apples in every bunch, and on both sides. We are trying to change that though, from all angles. Respect has always been big with me. It is a fundamental focus in everything I do, a foundation of mine. Understanding can never be granted without respect. We must rely on it to achieve anything of merit. 

On the other hand, the friends I have made are the most amazing, respectable, respectful, kind, intelligent, stimulating, supportive, loving and genuine people I have ever met. Open hearts and open minds that have already embraced a world of hurt and are trying desperately to make up for that with their own actions, and by opening the hearts and minds of others. 

My heart is so full, and my mind is so open, to the fact that there are so many who know what is truly going on in this world, what we're a part of and how we all interconnect. 

To be inundated with so much positive energy in the face of something so intensely horrible . . . And to stand so strong, proud and noble, amongst so many heroes in everyday life, motivates me like nothing ever has. My passion has escalated to new heights, and my heart had never been more full. 

   Keep calm, and vegan on!!! 

   Speak for our values. Speak for what's right. Speak for the animals. <3

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